2, Oct 2023
What is Health?

Although health generally refers to a person’s physical and mental well-being without disease, there is always a debate about the definition of “what is health?”, this concept has changed a lot over the years. Health is not only our body’s ability to function well every day and freedom from disease, but also our ability to cope with stress and live an active and long life.

Living a healthy life allows us to live a purposeful and meaningful life. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. However, this definition is considered insufficient, since coping with illness, seeking treatment and recovery from illness or managing existing symptoms. A person can be healthy even if they are not in “perfect” physical or mental health. Therefore, the definition may vary from one person to another based on different opinions and factors.

A 2006 study of 2 found that health can be defined in three different ways, for example: health is the absence of any disease or disability. Health is a state that allows us to cope with the demands and challenges of daily life, including the absence of disease. Health is “a state of balance, a balance that a person has established within himself and between himself and his physical and environmental environment”. Another study from 2013 explains that health can be seen as our ability to work and love. It is “the ability of people to fulfill their desires, meet their needs and adapt to the environment”. Therefore, health is considered as a resource for daily life.

Therefore, the definition of health depends on the individual and their specific health related goals and objectives. 

Understanding health and wellness 

The word “health” comes from the Old English “hælth”, which means something that is complete or complete in itself. According to a 2009 study, health is our ability to adapt to our environment. Health is not a fixed thing, but lies in a spectrum where illness can coexist with good health. A person can be healthy or unhealthy in different aspects of his life. Health “is different for everyone, depending on their circumstances. It is not the doctor who defines health, but the person, based on their work needs,” the study added. Broadly speaking, in humans, health refers to our mental, emotional, physical and social ability to cope with our environment.

In this case, a person, who is considered healthy, can become weak or sick after experiencing changes in his environment. For example, if a person who has been living forever in the city for many years moves to the mountains, he may experience depression or shortness of breath due to the lack of oxygen at high altitudes.

However, they may feel comfortable when their bodies are falling at a high altitude. Therefore, the presence or absence of disease may not be the best way to determine a person’s health status. But the presence of chronic diseases, on the other hand, can be a sign of weakness.

If disease is the primary determinant of health, then a person who is currently healthy may develop disease in the future due to poor lifestyle, genetics, environment, accidents or even technological progress. In addition, some people who suffer from illness, whether physical or mental, may be able to function well in their daily lives and in their communities. Some people can also overcome their illness without seeking medical help.

Our health depends above all on whether we have achieved a state of balance in our environment and within ourselves. Health is a very important part of human existence which does not depend only on the presence or absence of disease.
